Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Face the paradoxes

Peter Williams reports from the Library Show in Birmingham
Speaking at the Library Show, British Library chief executive Dame Lynne Brindley said there was never a better time to be a librarian. But she also said that the current period was also a little daunting, especially as librarians had to commit to a culture of continuous operational change. She advised the profession to take control of its own destiny. Speaking to an audience at the seminar programme, Brindley presented a series of paradoxes for the information profession. The paradoxes include love Google or hate Google and the issue that the Google generation students are technologically savvy but not digitally literate.
Earlier Roy Clare, the chief executive of the Museums, Libraries & Archives Council warned that some librarians still regarded marketing as a dirty word that was done by someone else and he said MLA was working hard to ensure engagement with the local community.

1 comment:

  1. You mention Roy Clare, of the MLA going on about marketing being a dirty word, but Bob McKee of CILIP at least was talking about something important today ( And thats the travesty of whats happening in the Wirral. Will the MLA ever say anything about this travesty.
