Ewan McIntosh, who currently works as Digital Commissioner, Scotland and Northern Ireland for Channel 4 Television's Innovation for the Public Fund, is our first speaker to be featured. Ewan will be taking to the stage three times during this year's conference ...
Day 1: Ewan will be on the panel of 'Innovators under the spotlight'
Day 2: Track 1 - When communities create themselves, what's the role for the organisation?
Day 3: Track 2 - Information seeking behaviours in the new world
Q Which tracks would you recommend to delegates attending the conference?
Ewan: I'd go for the track or tracks that are most relevant to you and your role, but take at least one afternoon out in something you wouldn't normally have gone to. Ultimately, though, anything to do with social media is a must for almost every profile of person coming to this event. It affects your customers' lives, your neighbours... it affects you directly. If you don't think it does now, then you'll find out how much it's affected you when you're organisation is ignored by the very people it's trying to engage.
Q What are you looking forward to most about participating in Online Information 2008?
Ewan: I like thinking through things that I haven't had time, in my normal day, to get to grips with. The mix of disciplines at Online is the best reason to attend. It pushes your thinking out of whatever boxes you've found yourself falling into over the year. It has to be said: Clay Shirky is a great feature this year, and I'll love blogging about his stuff and, with any luck, sharing a word or two over a cheap plastic cup of coffee.
Q If you had to choose only one - which social network would you recommend to colleagues?
Ewan: I'd choose the one where their friends or colleagues were. Some people find that one, say Facebook, already contains most of these people. Others have no intention of mixing with workmates, so go with the place where your high school friends are, for example. There's not one that's better than the rest; they just appeal to different groups of people. If you're my friend, though, get on Facebook - it's where most of the people I care about can be found.
Q And finally, just out of interest - where are you planning to spend Christmas this year?
Ewan: Christmas is always spent with my family at home in Scotland. I'm not going to say where, though. You can just keep an eye on my Flickr photo feed to see
About Ewan McIntosh
Ewan McIntosh helps people understand how emerging technologies such as social media, mobile ubiquitous computers andgaming can help them learn better, work better and live better. He currently works for Channel 4 Television Corporation's Innovation for the Public Fund, as Digital Commissioner for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Previously, Ewan worked in the world of education, latterly as National Adviser on Learning and Technology Futures for Learning and Teaching Scotland, the education agency responsible for curriculum development, and a member of several advisory boards, including the Channel 4 New Media Education Advisory Board. As a teacher of French and German in the high school sector and an educational technologist working with children aged 3-18, he frequently gives talks and workshops around the world, trying to find new and better ways of using emerging technologies in education. Ewan has also consulted for Governments around the world, and organisations including the BBC, British Council, General Teaching Council of Scotland, RM and Scottish Enterprise, advising on how social media can be harnessed for to improve learning in the organisation, leadership and communication. More information and previous talks are available on his website: http://www.ewanmcintosh.com, and you can follow his take on current trends on his regularly updated blog:http://edu.blogs.com
For more information, or to view the conference programme in full, please visit:
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