The Online Information show is now less than a fortnight away, and while media attention is likely to be focused on the launch of the adjacent IMS show, don't forget there's still a big contingent of business information suppliers to be found among the throng of STM and academic publishers.
Perhaps the most well-known of all the company and business information suppliers on the floor of the show is LexisNexis. It will be showing a range of own-brands - MarketImpact, Know Your Customer, and Company Dossier among them – that will be of interest to anyone looking for business information on potential customers and new clients.
Companies House will also have a stand. It is the agency entrusted to examine and hold all documents under relevant Companies Act legislation – provisions of the 1985 Act are set to be expanded by the Companies Act 2006, which was passed a week ago today.
Hemscott will be showing an add-in module for Company Guru, its online database of UK companies. The Boardroom Guru module is a flip-sounding name that promises to "enable clients to dig even deeper into the board structure of UK companies". Hemscott's offering a 10% discount to any existing or new customers who sign-up after a demo of the module at the show. Also look out for the Bigdough Capital Markets database, which has contact details, investment strategies and shareholdings of over 40,000 fund managers.
RM Group, which specialises in UK business data, company formation documents and European trademark registration through its Armadillo range, will be busy on the floor showing its Irish Company Document Downloads service and an expanded version of its Anti-Money Laundering package.
RM's free search tool for Armadillo is also a finalist in the Best Business Information Product at the International Information Industry Awards on the Wednesday evening of the show.
Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing will be showing Spanish and Dutch extensions to Mint, its range of company information services aimed at sales and marketing professionals. Mint Portal will also be unveiled, giving users business news feeds and access to some free company data.
Just notice how that word "free" keeps creeping back into the equation for so many business information companies, many of whom have never lived down the trauma of Hoover's, which originally took a shot at an advertiser supported revenue model for free business information online, before being acquired by and absorbed into D&B's paid-for online operations.
Growth has been difficult in recent years in a highly competitive sector, with many of the big players going global to find new business. D&B announced earlier this year it was betting on a big expansion in China, while InfoUSA (parent company of OneSource) said it is expanding its presence in Mexico, India, the Asia-Pacific region, and Brazil.
By the way, BvD will be sponsoring the IWR Information Professional of the Year award at the III show, alongside UK and Irish business information supplier ICC, which is sponsoring the Best Team in a Business Environment award.
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