Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Elsevier, time to ask for a greater discount?

Negotiating a renewal deal with Elsevier?  Before you sign on the dotted line you might like to see just how much the Chief Executive Sir Crispin Davis takes home a year, click here for the story in IWR news.

Yes a take home of £1,991,516, consisting of a basic salary of £1m, with an annual bonus of £923,343, not bad. To be fair Elsevier performed well with results up by 7%.

As you can see from the latest issue of Information World Review, we're pretty busy re-designing, so can't go into the full debate on chief execs/pay/value for money etc etc. But for those of you buying content, it does pose the question, show me how my money is invested in the product if I spend it with you Elsevier?

1 comment:

  1. Elsevier's adjusted operating profit was roughly one-third of its sales in 2005. The Open Access debate appears to have quietened of late, but maybe it is time to resurrect it. Can any company involved in the dissemination of academic/scientific information really justify such fat margins?
